I’m not shocked anymore from anything I see in the Self Defence/Martial Arts Industry. There is all sorts of crazy in it that it’s tiresome trying to change or amend it. One thing I’d like to address or challenge is the phenomena that I like to call the Milli Vanilli Instructors. If you don’t know who Milli Vanilli was, they were a band who had two guys with all the superficial assets needed to succeed, they were good looking, in shape, could dance, had all the charisma in the world. Problem is they couldn’t sing or play any music. They were discovered to be frauds that mimed their songs. Is the music really important anyway? In the Self Defence industry it obviously is not. You see there are a multitude of instructors out there who may look the part yet the material and training they present is lacking and we are ignoring the important part…….the music ie the training. It hurts me to see instructors held in high esteem & quite frankly when you see their training and it has no substance, if you look at it with a hint of common sense you can clearly see they are snake oil salesman. Who says you can’t polish a turd? I hear podcasts with guests with a sycophantic following & then I see what they do & its just so disappointing! Just before I heard you say all the right things & you give a backstory that should have taught you something, yet this is your training? This is what you pass off as reality? It happens all the time, I recently heard someone talk the talk – 'I’m an ex crim who turned my life around and teach from my lessons from a life of violence'. Problem is you are more of a criminal now if you take money from people for that nonsense you consider training! I suspect you survived your time inside by other means than being a tough guy. But its ok because what happened behind bars there is no proof of, its’ your word (you’ve earnt our trust!) and the gullible public hear the word gaol (jail) & they believe! This is not religion, you can ask for proof! Its not about blind faith! There’s probably about 3 or 4 backstories that are identical in this industry for those who have success. Military, Police, Security, Gaol I guess if you want to be successful follow the business model! Problem is I have worked security & currently in gaols and maybe I’m doing it wrong but if you treat people like people its not that violent a profession. In fact I’d go so far to say that the workplace made it less likely for me to use my training, It was very, very restrictive. I saw way more violence working as a school teacher & if I really wanted to be accurate the uniform below is what we should be most impressed with. Statistics show that worldwide, nurses are far more likely to be attacked than police officers and prison guards. Maybe some of the industry ‘pundits’ need to update their cosplay wardrobes and get a nursing costume! Perhaps do a TAFE course to bolster their resume! I can see it at seminars now ‘I loved martial arts growing up & I wanted a testing ground so I did 10 years in ER at Nepean Hospital’ That’s way more accurate than what I’m hearing. In this industry in general, there are a lot of people held in high esteem that really shouldn’t be if training, knowledge & ability are valued. It’s more about perception. Some adopt a WWE flavour. That is they are overly theatrical by stomping their feet and snarling as they hit pads/bags. Some actually hit people hard in demos whilst they are standing still and not providing any resistance. That’s a dick move for mine as a 10 year old could hurt someone doing that. To be ultra successful many lie through their teeth about their ability & conquests. People seem to appreciate ‘war stories’ as I have witnessed a well known instructor tell the same story with a different ending three times catering for the technique he was teaching at the time. He also went on to tell a story from a film as if it happened to him! The majority of attendees all lapped it up. Another ‘icon’ that has given himself a nickname & talks all kind of nonsense about how much of a bad ass he is yet looks like he should be searching for snow white with his other 6 buddies! Looking at him and some of his film he is or never was in any shape or ability to have been able to perform the feats he claims. His videos, which I’m sure he chose the best takes, looks like a blooper reel of poor athleticism and awkwardness. I usually don’t like to demean someone due to their physical characteristics/abilities but when you put YOURSELF on a pedestal built from lies you are fair game. He talks like he is Jorge Masvidal yet looks and moves like Danny Devito and yes, he has a cult following. So should we focus less on actual results and more on building a persona? Maybe perfect your 1000 yard stare? Develop an alpha portfolio of excessively masculine pics holding knives & guns? Maybe blur out the faces in group training pics to give off the impression that it’s a top secret gig with people so damn dangerous you cannot show their identity. Or maybe they are dentists? Joke explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF2opel339U So what is it that people value? What are they key words that draw people in? You know what, on second thoughts I don’t really care, I for one wish to remain ethical. Coaching is about improving your athletes not your reputation. I put integrity first.
2/10/2020 05:57:30 pm
Interesting read Jeff. I’m trying to work out who the dwarf that should be back with Snow White is (btw there are only seven dwarfs). ;) Having trained with and watch a few of your guys train, I can say with confidence that you’re certainly not doing what you have seen others do and written about here. Yours guys move well and respond appropriately to a variety of situations. Having sat in and watched a number of your lessons, I can see why. The approach that you take and the situations you set up for students is very different to a lot of places, but sets up an element of realism that isn’t always seen in other gyms and dojos.
Chasen Schneider
12/23/2020 06:06:51 pm
Good post. I can’t say for sure that I know for sure who you are referring to with the “Snow White” comment lol, but I do take issue with the idea that he couldn’t have possibly been a formidable opponent due to being short and not very athletic. There are all sorts of short dudes in rough parts of the world that you absolutely don’t want to fuck with; sometimes they fight so brutally because they literally had to because they were perceived as an easy target. I’ve been friends with mma fighters, bouncers, police officers, and I’ve always said that the friend I would want to fight the least is a skinny dude with a pot belly from The Gorbles in Glasgow, Scotland. He grew up around stuff that’s difficult for civilized folks to imagine and, despite not being strong or athletic at all, he fought off someone who was attacking his cousin and got cut multiple times with a camping ax while doing so but kept going until the attacker fled. He almost died afterward of course, but if he can take that and keep going, I would say that he’s not someone I’d want to get into that kind of encounter with, regardless of his lack of athletic shape.
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