Women's Classes
Women are more than capable of attending our regular classes and modules—in fact, some of our best fighters are women! However, if you would prefer a more tailored experience, we also offer self defence classes for women in a Women's only module designed specifically for you.
We offer a 6 week self defence course that teaches general self defence skills such as striking, the shredder, groundfighting & we also touch on weapons defence. The program is concluded with a gauntlet run, that tests your new found skills & actually gives you the chance to practically apply what you have learnt. This allows you to see first hand both your capabilities and limitations when it comes to physically defending yourself. Rather than be awarded a certificate and given a false sense of security, we give you an experience to show you what you can & can't do!
These modules run throughout the year usually on a Thursday evening or we can come to you at your convenience. Keep an eye on our facebook page to see when they are running. Don't miss out on this unique self defence experience at Western Combatives!
We offer a 6 week self defence course that teaches general self defence skills such as striking, the shredder, groundfighting & we also touch on weapons defence. The program is concluded with a gauntlet run, that tests your new found skills & actually gives you the chance to practically apply what you have learnt. This allows you to see first hand both your capabilities and limitations when it comes to physically defending yourself. Rather than be awarded a certificate and given a false sense of security, we give you an experience to show you what you can & can't do!
These modules run throughout the year usually on a Thursday evening or we can come to you at your convenience. Keep an eye on our facebook page to see when they are running. Don't miss out on this unique self defence experience at Western Combatives!
A scenario from 'The Guantlet'
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